Taken from different angles. It was so much fun making this cake. Baileys chocolate cake topped with chocolate buttercream with fancy royal icing designs on it.
I went back to Ipoh over the weekend for a friend's wedding and also to celebrate Father's Day with my dad. It was a good trip as I got to meet friends from childhood days of whom I have not kept in touch. Many are married now, many with kids.... had quite a lot of catching up to do. It was good. My mum had requested for a Father's Day cake for a friend.... simple but good enough.
Birthday for Arjen, my good friend's son's 1st birthday. Instead of scratching my head thinking of what to get the little fella, I swiftly agreed to bake the birthday cake..... it was a small and cosy party.
These were also given out to the abandon children at the orphanage which a friend of mine was visiting over the weekend. Got news that the kiddies were delighted.
I have been bad at updating all the pictures that I have been taking. For one thing, I have been procrastinating charging my camera battery. Yes I know I know seems like a small thing but I never seem to remember to charge it until I whip my camera out to take a picture. Finally got it charged for a bit and these are some cupcakes I made for an orphanage and also a friend's party gift.
Perfect little boxes of cupcakes for a little baby girl's full moon. The boxes are actually tied with a ballet pink ribbon but hmmmmm my not so canggih camera decided to change the colour for me but you get the idea....