Sunday 26 October 2008

chocolate chunk pecan cookies

It's a holiday today! nothing beats spending a relaxing morning baking batches of chocolate chunk pecan cookies, filling the house with its sweet aroma. who can resist? the batter is filled with chocolate chunks which I got from my last trip to Singapore and loaded with pecans. That's the best thing about baking them yourself.


Just Shelley... said...

Juen! Drooooollll!!!!! That must have tasted SO good! Did Joon Liang eat ALL of it?! :p

Babystack said...

hahahah these were given to his office, my office and a small jar for home hehehehhehe the other half batch of batter is in the freezer for a rainy day:)

Just Shelley... said...

your office, his office and your freezer are so blessed!!!