Tuesday 21 July 2009

Fresh Strawberry Cupcakes

This thing about myself where I tend to overbuy ingredients, just in case.....and this has served me well. Imagine, in the midst of mixing up ingredients, sometimes the eggs purchased are not fresh or sometimes in my blur moments, I accidentally knock over my baking pan and there goes all the batter. Yes, these are more than good enough reasons to stock up on ( non-essential)ingredients, more than I ever need. So over a couple of days, I had a couple of orders for cakes that require strawberry as toppers and in my quest to find the biggest juiciest US strawberries, I find myself purchasing more than 1 punnet, more than necessary. So what do I do with the remainder? Chuck them into the freezer with a plan - strawberry smoothie? strawberry puree? strawberry cupcakes?

Yes! finally found a strawberry cupcake recipe that I thought was worth sacrificing my frozen strawberries for. I baked the cakes first and thought I'd better try them before blending more of my frozen strawberries for the icing. Moist, but the flavours of the strawberries were not coming through as much as I'd like them too. So decided to plonk on the icing, wow! they were yummy! of course the buttercream had a decent amount of strawberry puree so it did taste like strawberry. Yums!

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