Thursday 25 February 2010

Flamingo Cookies

Pink flamingoes for a birthday party. Love these! Admittedly a little tricky to make cause of their fragile necks and legs but these came out ooo so nice.


Yes, I am a big fan of farmville on facebook. Admittedly my dedication to my farm has died down a little but I still maintain it.Had a friend's surprise party today, meant to be a farmville theme cake. It was to a certain extent, note the pink triangle on top of the sheep which means "click to collect wool", I made the lost lonely cow at the side and a golden chicken at the other side which I did not get a chance to take a picture of. Must say birthday boy was pretty happy with this:)

Friday 19 February 2010

Banana Pumpkin Seed Chiffon

Could not bear seeing some very ripe bananas going to waste. Made a chiffon last night and sprinkled some pumpkin seed on top. this was a perfect chiffon. Tasted lovely too.

Thursday 11 February 2010


Cupids flying, hearts visible everywhere. Moving away from too much pink and red, have made 2 sets of valentines cuppies with lots of fun and love. Hope the recipients like them.

Marbled Beauty

I went into baking mode yesterday evening with orders up for valentines and chinese new year loaves as well. In between beating eggs and sugar, I was watching Twilight again..... it is embarassing the number of times I have watched that movie. Am definitely an Edward Cullen fan. Hot hot hot!

Anyways back to baking, I had some extra butter cake batter and since I already made a butter blackcurrant cake yesterday, decided to make a simple marble cake which turned out to be fantastic. Moist and beautiful!Some pictures to entice eh....

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Whimsical Teapots

I had less than 24 hours to complete this..... the cake turned out pretty decent I must say. The request was for a butter cake with a teapot theme. Love the pink teapot. Some angles of the cake....

Monday 8 February 2010


Was asked to make a cake for the London School of Economics Anniversary party a couple of days ago. The logo is so simple and yet bold.