Monday 31 May 2010


A request for a beautiful Indonesian Batik bra for a 30th birthday boy's celebration. I love this, finished at 2am but was all worth it!

Thursday 20 May 2010


My first Barbie cake. The doll was supplied by the birthday girl's mum. It is another funky barbie with a masquerade kinda mask on. Another one that I Love!

Lightnight McQueen

Oooooo I love the colour combination on this cake. Love love it!

Mighty Morphine Power Rangers

Apparently Mighty Morphine Power Rangers is still alive.I thought they were no more but they are back in a more "canggih form". Anyways, a cake for a little boy's birthday. Blue is his favourite!

Pastel Cuppies

Apologies for the long silence but I have been busy with work and in between have been feeling a little sick. Anyways am better now..... posting some cakes that I had worked on the pass couple of weeks. A sweet pastel-ly one for a birthday....

Sunday 9 May 2010

Minnie Mouse

When I was a little girl I used to love minnie mouse and I remembered that that was one of my favourite toys when we went to Tokyo Disneyland. Well I don't have it anymore of course but it's nice to know that there are still kids who love Minnie, given the vast range of cartoon characters nowadays.

Same design Different Colour

Some cupcakes for a wedding. Some of you my be familiar with this design for the office that I made in pink and blue. A beautiful colour combination for a wedding and a rather unusual one which I like! A few large cupcakes with a chinese button on top. Wished the chinese buttons were thinner but that was the best I could produce this time.

Monday 3 May 2010


A childhood friend's daughter just turned 2 and she wanted an Elmo cake...... had a good time making this cake, for the love of ELmo!

Cinnamon Nut Chiffon

Tried out this new recipe. the cake tasted fabulous but did not get a good enough picture to do it justice. A keeper!